Not working for me. Am using mSecure 3.1.1 (can't upgrade - long story) on Yosemite. When I try to export, I get a message saying that it cannot export to a .txt file - gives me the option of .csv or .txt.csv. I tried the latter. When running the script perl5.16 msecure -v ....\pm_export.txt.csv (which is what I assume I should run, replacing 'converter' with 'msecure' in the script), I get the message: Unable to open CSV file: ....pm_export.txt.csvNo such file or directory.
Keepass For Mac Not Working After Mac Sierra Upgrade
Keepass is free, no need to pay an exorbitant fee when you can get something like keepass. Thanks to the working team at Keepass, I think the pros associated with the platform far outweighs the cons mentioned.
As complexity increases with time, my previous port opening moved to... multiple ports opening, as I haddecided to secure a part of my home network. But trying to access the final router, where I had flashedDD-WRT, I couldn't remember the password, and it was not available in my KeePass files, so after many manylogon attempts, I had to reset the firmware. And, for the sake of it, upgrade the router. 2ff7e9595c